1 module ui.Def;
3 static immutable Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459;
5 enum BrushType : uint {
6     Solid,
7     LinearGradient,
8     RadialGradient,
9     Image,
10 }
12 enum LineCap : uint {
13     Flat,
14     Round,
15     Square,
16 }
18 enum LineJoin : uint {
19     Miter,
20     Round,
21     Bevel,
22 }
24 static immutable DrawDefaultMiterLimit = 10.0;
26 enum FillMode : uint {
27     Winding,
28     Alternate,
29 }
31 enum TextWeight : uint {
32     Thin,
33     UltraLight,
34     Light,
35     Book,
36     Normal,
37     Medium,
38     SemiBold,
39     Bold,
40     UtraBold,
41     Heavy,
42     UltraHeavy,
43 }
45 enum TextItalic : uint {
46     Normal,
47     Oblique,
48     Italic,
49 }
51 enum TextStretch : uint {
52     UltraCondensed,
53     ExtraCondensed,
54     Condensed,
55     SemiCondensed,
56     Normal,
57     SemiExpanded,
58     Expanded,
59     ExtraExpanded,
60     UltraExpanded,
61 }
63 enum ModifiersT : uint {
64     Ctrl    = 1 << 0,
65     Alt     = 1 << 1,
66     Shift   = 1 << 2,
67     Super   = 1 << 3,
68 }
70 enum ExtKeyT : uint {
71     Escape = 1,
72     Insert,         // equivalent to "Help" on Apple keyboards
73     Delete,
74     Home,
75     End,
76     PageUp,
77     PageDown,
78     Up,
79     Down,
80     Left,
81     Right,
82     F1,         // F1..F12 are guaranteed to be consecutive
83     F2,
84     F3,
85     F4,
86     F5,
87     F6,
88     F7,
89     F8,
90     F9,
91     F10,
92     F11,
93     F12,
94     N0,         // numpad keys; independent of Num Lock state
95     N1,         // N0..N9 are guaranteed to be consecutive
96     N2,
97     N3,
98     N4,
99     N5,
100     N6,
101     N7,
102     N8,
103     N9,
104     NDot,
105     NEnter,
106     NAdd,
107     NSubtract,
108     NMultiply,
109     NDivide,
110 }
112 enum Align : uint {
113     Fill,
114     Start,
115     Center,
116     End,
117 }
119 enum At : uint {
120     Leading,
121     Top,
122     Trailing,
123     Bottom,
124 }